
Illusions or Misconceptions

Can you relate? Is there more? These are just some of the following questions and statements I have had to listen to, defend myself from

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Pain to Purpose

Hi! My name is Francisco, but everyone just calls me Fran, easier to spell and easier to say. I first started my FIFO journey back

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Under Pressure

“Pressure, pushin’ down on me Pressin’ down on you, no man ask forUnder pressure that burns a building down Splits a family in two, puts

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FOMO… FIFO Edition

What is FOMO? “Fear of missing out” The fear of missing out refers to the feeling or perception that others are having more fun, living

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Houston… we have a problem

Numbing, Sabotage and Entitlement – There’s always more to the story, this one just played out. How many times have we said this to ourselves?!

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